Social Media & Video Blogging

Social Media & Video Blog

Meriu Creative Solutions is excited about several current and on-going projects.

Video Blogging, Vodcasting and Podcasting

Brown Chicken Brown Cow Show & Podcast

Meriu Creative Solutions has partnered with the BCBC Show & Podcast to record and produce both their Podcast and Vodcast.


The first vodcast episode was just published on YouTube very recently with more to come soon.


There are several podcasts already up and about – you can listen to them on iTunes,, and Dirty Garage Studios to name a few places.

Here are a couple episodes to wet your appetite:

Luminous Passages

Meriu Creative Solutions has been working with Julie Christensen of Luminous Passages (and also with her second business of Its Possible Therapy) for the past couple of years on a complete marketing package.  One of the most important things for Julie is having a strong social media presence.

Together we have developed and maintain an active presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, Meetup, Instagram and YouTube.  More recently, Julie has started to do spontaneous on location videos of messages she receives to pass on.

Video Signage Systems

With the constant change of information and news, it has become really critical to be able to get updated information (product, news, information, marketing and more…) out to the public.  Video signage systems represent an incredible way to do that in a timely fashion letting any business look responsive to changes in the world.

Distributed Video Signage Systems

During his work at the State of California, Todd was responsible for the project management of the digital signage solution system for the BoE, to be implemented at two dozen field offices.  He was involved in every step – from project conception to identifying the correct distribution products and system, from content creation to content management.  Some of the tasks included helping to specify the system, implementation of the physical installation, coordination of network resources with the IT department, creation of the graphical layout, encoding video content, establishing automated scheduling, and on-going maintenance and updates including trouble shooting.

Music Video Creation

Currently Meriu Creative Solutions is working with a several amazing local talents in Sacramento, helping them record a few songs into music videos.  You can always subscribe to our YouTube channel as well for the newest productions, but here is a taste.

Stephen Yerkey

You can hear more from Stephen Yerkey by checking out his website.